Violeta, a young film director who once made a joyful lesbian porn movie with a group of friends, is hired to make a mainstream porn. Her ideas about gender systems - cinematographic and sexed - do not allow her to carry out the filming. From southern Buenos Aires, she leaves with her actresses for the warm Sao Paulo, finding new forms of storytelling along the way; mutating with her traveling companions.

Nothing satisfies her until she swims into the Atlantic Ocean and finds an island where new and old stories greet her through a community that will bring them both joy and fear.



Gentil Cine (ARG), El Borde (ARG), Punta Colorada (BR), Doxa Producciones (ES)


Albertina Carri


Albertina Carri, Agustín Godoy, Carolina Alamino

Executive Producer

Eugenia María Campos, Saula Benavente, Diego Schipiani, Julia Alves, Ainhoa Andraka

Production Direction

Juliana Teodoro, Valentina Flynn, Zuriñe Goikoetxea

Production Manager

Camila Albertocchi, Lucila Rodríguez


Sol Lopatín, Inés Duacastella, Wilssa Esser

Art Director

Marina Raggio, Diogo Hayash

Direct Sound

Mercedes Gaviria


Florencia Gómez

Sound Postproduction

Marcos Canosa


Paloma Peñarrubia


Carolina Alamino, Maru Marcet, Rocío Zuviría, Mijal Katzowicz, Luisa Gavasa

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